Board Update
by USA Racquetball
Board of Directors Update -- Serving Up the News -- August 2022
It's Time to Prepare!
At this time of the year, there are a number of preparations underway:
The U.S. Adult National Team is preparing to leave for Mexico to compete in the XXI IRF World Racquetball Championships in San Luis Potosí, August 19-27, 2022. The Board approved the U.S. Team Committee’s recommendation to send the largest delegation in a long time in search of more gold medals! You can view the December 2021 recap of the last IRF World Championships here ( The larger delegation was approved in part by the increased goal for the Team USA Challenge. Check out Team USA Challenge info here ( The support of the Racquetball Family is always deeply appreciated by USAR and the U.S. Team!
While the Adult Team is preparing to head to Mexico, back in the U.S. we are preparing for the US OPEN, September 28 – October 2, 2022. With a change in the host venue, the Grand Slam of racquetball returns to Minneapolis to crown this year’s US OPEN Champions! We are planning on even closer viewing of the stadium courts than at Target Center, hospitality for all players, the Party with the Pros, and the family reunion that is the US OPEN. Come out and compete, or cheer on your favorite professional and amateur players! Details about the 2022 US OPEN can be found here (
On the Outdoor scene, preparations are well underway for the KWM Gutterman 2022 3WallBall World Championships in Las Vegas, October 26 - 30, 2022. As if Vegas wasn’t enough fun on its own, throw in a number of outdoor courts and some of the top outdoor players around. Now it’s a REAL party! With more ways than one to compete in the event, there’s something for everyone. Check out the event page here (
How are YOU getting prepared for these events and other more local events? Getting back to your cardio routine? Reshaping your warm up and stretching routine? Planning your vacation time to be ready for national and local events? Another way you might not think about is to head over to or and renew/re-up your membership. By doing so now, not only are you helping to support your sport, it’s one less thing to worry about/pay for when you play your next event!
As always, if you are interested in learning how to become a tournament director or a certified instructor (both of which help build the community), reach out to Executive Director Mike Wedel ( or Board President Stewart Solomon ( and we’ll make sure to get you what you need.
MEETING HIGHLIGHTS -- USA Racquetball Board of Directors – July 25, 2022
Eleven Board members were in attendance via Zoom.
Following are some points of interest:
Executive Director Update (Mike Wedel)
Pre-read document provided in advance of the meeting. Updates included:
- A marketing campaign for increasing membership is currently being developed. As a major revenue stream to help ensure the continuation of USA Racquetball and all it has to offer the sport and its members (, focus on membership is crucial.
- Reaching out is important to those whose memberships have expired or are due to expire. This, coupled with the focus of the Membership Committee, requires considerable attention.
- A World Games recap was provided on the events and the logistics of how the event came together in Birmingham (early July). The USA Racquetball all-Lucite stadium court presented impressively both in real life at the venue and on video streams.
- The US OPEN is a primary focus for the USAR Staff, Board members, and volunteers. A number of past US OPEN team members are not returning and as such, a number of key management/coordinator roles are looking to be filled. Details around admission, sponsorship, and vendor areas were all discussed.
A broader and more detailed discussion around the US OPEN portion of the Executive Director update took place in this meeting.
Budget/Finance Committee Update (Steve Czarnecki)
USA Racquetball finances through the first half of 2022 have been challenging. The greatest concern is in the area of membership, which has plateaued at approximately 5,000 members following some recovery from the declines experienced during COVID. Without sizable growth in membership in the near term, USA Racquetball will not be positioned to operate under its historical business model. The financial focus continues to be on membership revenue recovery, fundraising, and championships profit, including sponsorship. The US OPEN will be very impactful on the association’s profit and loss statement for the year.
Committee Updates (Terry Rogers)
- Terry updated the Board on the fact that the website has been updated. She will be organizing a quarterly update from the committees to the Board.
- Todd Boss provided updates on the Referee Certification transition process as well as an update from the Membership Committee.
Next Meeting: Monday, August 29, 2022
We hope you are finding this newsletter feature informative, and we always welcome suggestions and/or questions to include in future updates. Please contact Stewart Solomon (President) at
If you have questions about the Staff’s activities, please contact Mike Wedel at
Stay safe and healthy, everyone!