Thomas Davis, Real Racquetball Champion -- May 2021


by Mike Wedel

USA Racquetball recognized our May 2021 Real Racquetball Champion -- Thomas Davis, Branson (Missouri) Racquetball -- during Game 19 of the Real Racquetball Show. If you didn’t have the chance to experience it live, the recorded Real Racquetball Show is always available to view as early as the next day on USA Racquetball’s YouTube page. Check out the interview with Thomas, Maurice Miller, and myself!

Thomas Davis, Recipient of the Real Racquetball Champion award

I was delighted when we received the nomination for Thomas as a Real Racquetball Champion. I have known Thomas for a couple of years. He reached out to me when he was finishing up his racquetball court at his house; yes, he built a court at his home in Branson, Missouri! Thomas asked about using the USA Racquetball tournament software (R2Sports) to run leagues and tournaments. We spent a fair amount of time on the phone going over how to set up the software and run his events.

Thomas was off and running! He has successfully run multiple tournaments over the past year and a half, along with several leagues. I follow his Facebook page and see all of the joiners on the court learning to play racquetball. It is easy to see his passion for the sport and his desire to teach it to as many people as possible.

There will be a concentration of quality players in the Branson area because of Thomas Davis’s great work and dedication to racquetball. We can’t thank him enough for his investment in our sport. If you would like more information about how this passionate Real Racquetball Champion built his court and/or his programs, you can find Thomas on Facebook at Branson Racquetball Club. I know he would love to connect with you! 

Thomas Davis with his two dogs on a racquetball court

These racquetball community members deserve to be celebrated for volunteering their time, money, and efforts. If you know someone who is working to improve racquetball in your community or anywhere across the country, please send us their story! To nominate a prospective Real Racquetball Champion, simply submit a name and a short description of their activities and contributions to Connor Shane at

As always, #WeAreUSARacquetball.

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