
Certified Referee Test Available

by USA Racquetball

The Referee Certification Test has been updated and is now available. The test has been updated for the recent rules revisions.

Certification consists of three parts. The first two parts are free, and you may re-take them as many times as you want. The third part has a $25 fee and completes the process. You may take this part five times before you will need to pay again. You will be asked for your email and to create a password upon starting the process. This will allow you to go back should your internet drop or you need to pause.

1) You can click on this link, Certification Test, which will also be available on the website, to watch a 4-part video (approximately 1 hour total). You must watch each part, and answer a question on each part, of the video. You must score a 75% on this part to advance.

2) Once you’ve watched the Clinic videos, you will be sent a link to take the rules test, a 50-question multiple choice exam. You will need to score 86% or better to pass. You can retake the exam as needed.

3) Upon passing the rules test, you will receive a link to a pay wall in PayPal (through Classmarker) to pay. Upon paying, you will then be able to take the video test. The video test is 25 videos where you will be asked to make a call on what infraction you observe. Not all videos will have an infraction. There will be a follow up for each video with 3 three multi-choice questions per video. Upon passing the video test with an 80% grade, you will be updated as a Certified Referee in R2Sports and also receive your certificate via email. Certification will be active for three years, at which time you will need to renew.

Good luck!