WOR Court List#

Looking for a outdoor Racquetball court? Check out our Master Outdoor Racquetball Court list, maintained by Bill George.

Download the complete spreadsheet of court listings.

We are always looking to add and update courts to this list. If you review the list (or the map below) and do not see a court you know of or are aware of any changes to an existing court site, please email the Court administrator Todd Boss (tboss@bossconsulting.com) with the following information:

-Court Location

-Court full address including city/state/zip

-Number of courts at the location

-Type of court (one-wall, three-wall, four-wall)

-Court dimensions: are they 40x20 standard, are they bigger or smaller?

-Court service short line distance if known

-Room behind the court for playability

-Do the courts have a ceiling or lights?

-Are there access restrictions to the court (park closes at 10pm, need to reserve with owner, etc)

-Other comments.