The World Outdoor Racquetball Hall of Fame (WORHOF) Committee is honored to make a very special announcement... Our first 2018 Hall of Fame inductee is Vic Leibofsky who lives in Hollywood, Florida. Yes, Vic has gone "Hollywood." 
Mr. Leibofsky is a legendary outdoor racquetball contributor who is the only person in our sports history to have directed all three major national outdoor championships. These national and bi-coastal events range from Huntington Beach, California to Las Vegas, Nevada to Hollywood, Florida. Vic has been instrumental in not only running them, but also for helping to make them into destination type events. He has worked tirelessly at converting indoor-only players into WOR competitors. For his continuing efforts and leadership to the outdoor game of racquetball, Vic was named the sports inaugural recipient of the Greg Sheffield Award, the highest service honor in outdoor racquetball. The inscription reads:  Presented annually to the player who exhibits honor, integrity and true love for growing the game. Vic Leibofsky helped create the WOR rankings, the WOR 1-wall rules and he integrated the R2 Sports platform into outdoor racquetball. Vic is a once in a generation leader.
Vic will be the first participant in the 2018 class and he will be recognized at the 2018 Beach Bash and at the WOR Championships in Huntington Beach.  A truly special thanks goes out to Bill George from Northern California for his bi-coastal public nomination and to WOR Hall of Famer Martha McDonald for her star edits to his application.  
For Vic Leibofsky's unwavering contributions to outdoor racquetball, he has been selected unanimously by our Committee for induction into outdoor racquetball's highest honor – The WOR Hall of Fame. 
What makes Vic's nomination unique for the Hall of Fame committee is that he has done his incredible work usually in the background, without taking credit for his significant achievements. His unwavering commitment to promoting our sport by directing and introducing many new Florida and national players to outdoor racquetball over decades is the reason why the committee decided to honor his list of achievements. 
Vic's involvement in the Florida Beach Bash has captured the hearts of so many players including those who had never played one wall before. It has become a must-play event.
Greg Lewerenz who is WOR's National Director said, "Vic has created much of what the organization of WOR is and how it operates....Vic promoted increasing junior participation, respect for all divisions, discounted entry fees for female participants to increase participation where it was lacking....Vic is more than a Hall of Famer. He is a mentor and a friend and no one deserves this honor more than he does."
According to Hank Marcus, WOR's founder, "Contributor is not the correct word to describe Vic's involvement with outdoor and WOR....Vic's impact on outdoor has benefited a generation of players and will be felt for years to come."     
Brett Elkins, chairman and co-founder of the WORHOF stated, "Vic is one of the sport's greatest contributors to outdoor racquetball. He directed three major national events and promoted the game as it has rarely been promoted...It is an honor to have worked alongside Vic and to see first-hand why he is such a special nominee." 
Bill George was the person who nominated Vic and wrote his detailed resume of accomplishments that was reviewed and voted on by our ever expanding committee of past inductees and the past and current WOR national director. 
Vic's induction is part of a WOR campaign during the next five years to help celebrate the founders of the three national outdoor championships and to induct the early stars from the 1960's-1980s. Public nominations such as Bill George's take precedent over the committee’s own nominations and we always look forward to receiving any submissions (at this time from the past stars from the 1960's-1980's or national tournament founders) by sending a completed resume of achievements to Nominations are now accepted at any time for the class of 2019, typically in the order received. Please be sure to include the dates, titles (or top 4 major finishes), the name of tournaments and other important documents using the enclosed resume as an example. We look forward to your submissions.
Most importantly, please take a moment to celebrate Vic's accomplishments by reviewing his resume.  The induction ceremony will take place "outdoor style" as we stop play at the "Beach Bash" which takes place March 22-25, 2018 in Hollywood Florida (Sunday 3-25) and at the World Outdoor Championships in Huntington Beach, CA July 5-9, 2018 (on Saturday July 8). Vic congratulations...."You're going to Hollywood!"
The WORHOF committee is composed of WOR national co-directors Hank Marcus and  Greg Lewerenz, WORHOF chairman Brett Elkins and all past inductees who vote including these legends:
Brian Hawkes, Martha and Greg McDonald, Bob Wetzel and Barry Wallace, Charlie Brumfield, Dr Bud., Robert "Iceman" Sostre, Freddy Ramirez, Marty Hogan, Craig "Clubber" Lane, Franklin "Bud" Held, Lynn Adams Clay and Dan Southern. 
Here is a resume of Vic's incredible achievements: 
Victor Leibofsky (WORHOF Class of 2018)
(Born November 10,1958). (Nominated by Bill George, California; edited by Martha McDonald)  
Vic is the only person in outdoor racquetball history to organize and run all three of the WOR major events: 1) the Florida Beach Bash 2) the WOR Championships and 3) the Las Vegas 3-Wall Ball Championships.” “The Beach Bash is the event that helped introduce many indoor players to outdoors”,  said Bill George on why he nominated Vic Leibofsky for the World Outdoor Racquetball Hall of Fame.
Ten Greatest Outdoor Racquetball Achievements:
1. Vic’s incredible outdoor achievements are quite unique:  His most significant is the branding and continuing efforts as the director for the hugely successful National Championship event titled the “Beach Bash.” Vic has directed all three major national events.
2. Vic is the sport’s first recipient of the most prestigious service award in outdoor racquetball in 2008--the Inaugural Greg Sheffield Award. “The award is presented (annually) to the outdoor player who exhibits honor, integrity and true love for growing the game.
3. Vic has been instrumental in the sport’s grassroots efforts to grow outdoor racquetball.
4. Vic served as WOR’s National Director from 2008 – 2011.
5. Vic helped create the WOR outdoor ranking system and also established the WOR 1-wall rules.
6.       Vic was Instrumental in integrating WOR membership into the R2 Sports platform.
7. Vic has served on the planning committee for 3-Wall Ball Championships in Las Vegas each year, and served as both Event Director and Tournament Director.
8. “Vic has motivated and inspired many indoor players to try outdoor racquetball for the first time, as well as many outdoor players to play in their first tournaments.” Said nominator Bill George.
9. Vic, through his unselfish efforts is responsible for developing a strong bond with the all the national organizations of racquetball including the USAR, IRT, LPRT etc. His efforts have created an environment of cooperation, respect and inclusion that facilitated the many excellent working relationships currently still in place.
10.     Vic is an 8-Time National Outdoor Champ having won 4 singles and 4 doubles titles in age level and skill levels (many while directing the tournament) which is not easy to do.
       “Any consideration WORHOF gives to me should be only from the contributor perspective... as a player, there are at least 4,678,987 players more deserving....and that’s just from Florida...”
(Vic Leibofsky commenting on his playing career).
       “Vic is one of the sport’s greatest contributors to outdoor racquetball. He directed three major national championship events and promoted the game as it has rarely been promoted before which is a milestone in anyone’s career, but his work was far from over. What I found most memorable about Vic is that even though he was directing the National 3-Walls during the finals, he still had time to help me run and oversee the junior tournament and also spent a lot of his time working and helping the juniors at his event.  It is thus a very special honor to have Vic inducted for his brilliant efforts to the sport.”
(Brett Elkins, Chairman and co-founder WORHOF).
      "Contributor is not the correct word to describe Vic's involvement with outdoor and WOR. Innovator, motivator, and leader better describe all that Vic has brought to the growth of WOR." "Vic's impact on outdoor has benefited a generation of players and will be felt for years to come." (WOR Founder, Hank Marcus)
      ”Vic has created much of what the organization of WOR is and how it operates. Vic has spent his time and energy organizing small groups of players all over the country into a large cross-pollinated group with the common goal to grow the sport and do it the “right way.” Vic promoted increasing junior participation, respect for all divisions, discounted entry fees for female participants to increase participation where it was lacking and refocus the experience for all players who play outdoor. His energy and enthusiasm has led outdoors into the mainstream and his impact has been extremely significant. Vic is more than a Hall of Famer. He is a mentor and a friend and no one deserves this honor more than he does.”
(WOR National Director, Greg Lewerenz).