All SafeSport claims are considered a grievance and follow the Grievance Procedure Policy as described in the policy section of the USA Racquetball website and in the USA Racquetball Bylaws. USA Racquetball refers claims as needed to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. The SafeSport Code defines the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s (also the “Center”, herein) authority and jurisdiction, prohibited categories of abuse and misconduct, and the Center’s process for responding to and resolving abuse and misconduct claims affecting the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement.
I. Initial Intake Phase:
Any potential SafeSport infraction must be reported when identified Participant who fails to report actual or suspected Sexual Misconduct or Child Abuse to the Center and, when appropriate, to law enforcement may be subject to disciplinary action under the Center’s resolution procedures and may also be subject to federal or state penalties.
a. The obligation to report is broader than reporting a pending charge or criminal arrest of a Participant; it requires reporting to the Center any conduct which, if true, would constitute Sexual Misconduct or Child Abuse. The obligation to report to the Center is an ongoing one and is not satisfied simply by making an initial report. The obligation includes reporting, on a timely basis, all information of which an Adult Participant becomes aware, including the names of witnesses, third-party reporters, and Claimants.
b. The obligation to report includes personally identifying information of a potential Claimant to the extent known at the time of the report, as well as a duty to reasonably supplement the report as to identifying information learned at a later time.
c. See additional, specific reporting requirements in Appendix A of this document, or in the SafeSport Code:
1. Incoming reports are received
a. Reports of a non-sexual SafeSport violation or MAAPP (Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies) violation are submitted via email to and/or reported via phone to Mike Grisz at 972-849-0212.
b. Reports of a sexual nature should be submitted via this website., or by calling 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233), the Center’s toll-free Report a Concern phone number.
c. Reports may be made anonymously via phone to either USA Racquetball or via phone or the SafeSport form on the U.S. Center for SafeSport website.
2. Information and documentation are gathered to guide assessment of jurisdiction
a. If a reporter provides their contact information, a phone call is initiated within 1 business day to gather more details and information and write up of report is created.
3. Jurisdiction is exercised (or declined) based on the Center’s policy criteria
a. Based on the information provided, the Executive Director will discuss the incident with the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will decide whether the Center should be notified based on the Center’s jurisdiction criteria, noted in sections 3.b, and 3.c. below.
i. If the incident falls within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction, it will be referred to the Center immediately and no later than within 24 hours.
b. The Center has the exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations that a Participant engaged in one or more of the following: 1. Sexual Misconduct, including without limitation child sexual abuse and any misconduct that is reasonably related to an underlying allegation of Sexual Misconduct; 2. Criminal Charges or Dispositions involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct; 3. Misconduct Related to Reporting, where the underlying allegation involves Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct; 4. Misconduct Related to Aiding and Abetting, Abuse of Process, or Retaliation, when it relates to the Center’s process; 5. Other Inappropriate Conduct, as defined herein.
c. The Center has discretionary jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations that a Participant engaged in one or more of the following: 1. Non-sexual Child Abuse; 2. Emotional and physical misconduct, including stalking, bullying behaviors, hazing, and harassment; 3. Criminal Charges or Dispositions not involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct; 4. Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy or other similar Proactive Policy violations; 5. Misconduct Related to Aiding and Abetting, Abuse of Process, or Retaliation, when it relates to the processes of the USOPC, an NGB, an LAO, or any other organization under the Center’s jurisdiction.
4. Retaliation or attempt to the do the same for reporting an incident by a Participant, someone acting on behalf of a Participant, an NGB, LAO, the USOPC, or any organization under the Center’s jurisdiction is prohibited.
II. Preliminary Inquiry Phase
1. Claimant(s) is (are) identified and contacted, the process is explained, a preliminary interview is conducted, and Claimant questions or concerns are addressed.
2. Immediately available information and evidence (e.g., screenshots of text/social media messages, video footage, etc.) is gathered.
3. The appropriate authorities may be contacted, based on the nature of the report by either USAR and/or the claimant.
4. A preliminary report is submitted to USA Racquetball’s Executive Committee, which then determines if jurisdiction will be taken and whether the incident requires further investigation. If further investigation is not required, but the situation indicates some sort of action (e.g. written warning), the Committee will take such action.
a. Based on the preliminary report, the Executive Committee may take no action; accept jurisdiction; or refer the case to the state association level or the appropriate Committee as indicated in the bylaws. If the Executive Committee accepts jurisdiction, they may choose, after notifying the claimant and respondent, to refer the case to a third-party investigative body (e.g. Player’s Health investigations).
b. USA Racquetball must promptly inform an identified reporting party (if the report is
not made anonymously) of its jurisdictional determination, communicating that the matter has either been referred to the Center or is being addressed internally (either at the national or state level).
c. As noted above, if the incident falls within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction, it will be referred to the Center immediately and no later than within 24 hours.
III. Investigation/Resolutions and Response Phase (if under USA Racquetball Jurisdiction, or referred back to USA Racquetball by the Center)
1. Case assignment and preparation will follow due process as described in the USAR Bylaws (Articles XV, XVI).
2. Evidence collection and review
a. Witnesses are identified and, if necessary, contacted to gather information. Interviews may be conducted in person, or by telephone or video call. Staff should be appropriately equipped to fully document their investigative efforts through notes, digital recording, or transcription.
3. Drafting and review of an Investigation Report to be communicated to the Executive Committee.
a. This phase will conclude with the preparation of an Investigation Report that summarizes the investigative process followed, including an assessment of allegations and the evidence underlying that assessment.
b. This report will also communicate the disciplinary action that has been determined by the hearing body.
4. If USA Racquetball determines that the matter should be referred to an affiliated office (i.e. a state racquetball association), that affiliated office will follow the same guidelines outlined above, and report back to USA Racquetball with the results and any proposed actions needed by USA Racquetball.
5. The Executive Committee maintains a tracking document of all SafeSport reports, which includes details of the reports, their jurisdictions, and their resolutions. This document will be submitted to the Center if requested to provide the center with data on matters addressed by USA Racquetball related to SafeSport.
IV: Investigation Phase (if jurisdiction is the Center)
1. Center Jurisdiction
a. When the relevant organization has reason to believe that the allegations presented fall within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction, the organization—while able to impose measures—may not investigate or resolve those allegations.
b. All information gathered by USA Racquetball (if the report was submitted through USA Racquetball) will be provided to the Center, including the eligibility status of the Participants and any temporary measures imposed by USA Racquetball while the investigation is ongoing.
c. When the allegations presented fall within the Center’s discretionary jurisdiction, the organization may investigate and resolve the matter, unless and until such time as the Center expressly exercises jurisdiction over the particular allegations.
d. USA Racquetball shall not interfere with or attempt to influence the outcome of any Center investigation.
e. The Executive Director is the designated representative for responding to requests/inquiries from the Center. To the extent possible, responses will be made within 72 hours of receiving requests/inquiries.
f. The Center will follow its Code when conducting investigations. The Code can be found here:
V. Other
1. For questions regarding the Response and Resolution process, please contact the USAR SafeSport coordinator ( or the Executive Director at 972-849-0212).
2. The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring compliance with this Response and Resolution Policy.
Appendix A: Mandatory Reporting Requirements:
A. General Requirements
1. Adult Participants must know their reporting requirements under this Code, state law, and federal law. Lack of knowledge about a reporting obligation is not a defense.
2. Nothing in this Code shall be construed to require a victim of child abuse or other misconduct to self report.
3. No one should investigate suspicions or allegations of child abuse or other Prohibited Conduct, or attempt to evaluate the credibility or validity of allegations as a 4 “Grooming” describes the process whereby a person engages in a series or pattern of behaviors with a goal of engaging in sexual misconduct. Grooming is initiated when a person seeks out a vulnerable minor. Once selected, offenders will then earn the minor’s trust, and potentially the trust of the condition of reporting to the Center or to appropriate authorities.
4. The reporting requirements under this section are an individual obligation of each Adult Participant. Reporting to a supervisor or administrator does not relieve an Adult Participant of the obligations to report as specified under this section. Adult Participants must report even if they believe someone else has already reported.
5. Adult Participants must follow any other reporting requirements imposed by their organization.
6. Reports to the Center can be made: a. Through the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s online reporting form, b. By Phone at 720-531-0340, during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM MT – 5:00 PM MT.) or toll-free at 1-833- 5US-SAFE (24-hours per day, 7-days per week) Reporting Requirements related to Child Abuse, including Child Sexual Abuse
B. Reporting Requirements related to Child Abuse, including Child Sexual Abuse
1. An Adult Participant who learns of information or reasonably suspects that a child has suffered an minor’s family. After the offender has engaged the minor in sexually inappropriate behavior, the offender seeks to maintain control over him/her. Grooming occurs through direct, in-person or online contact. 20 incident of child abuse, including sexual abuse, must immediately: a. Make a report to law enforcement5 AND b. Make a report to the U.S. Center for SafeSport AND c. Comply with any other applicable reporting requirements under state law.6
2. Reporting to the Center alone is not sufficient. You must report to both the Center and to law enforcement, and comply with any other applicable state or federal laws.
3. Child Abuse includes incidents that involved a victim who is a minor at the time of the alleged incident, even if the victim is now an adult.
C. Reporting Requirements Relating to Sexual Misconduct
1. An Adult Participant who learns of information or reasonably suspects that an incident(s) of Sexual Misconduct has occurred, must immediately report the incident(s) directly to the Center.
2. This reporting requirement applies regardless of whether the suspected victim is an adult or minor.
3. If the Sexual Misconduct involves a minor, it must be reported as child abuse pursuant to Section X.B above.
D. Additional Misconduct that Adult Participants must report to the Center:
1. Criminal Charge(s) or Disposition(s) involving sexual misconduct or misconduct involving Minors.
2. Misconduct related to the Center’s process, including suspected incident(s) of: a. Aiding and Abetting b. Abuse of Process
3. Retaliation.
E. Emotional & Physical Misconduct and Proactive Policies
1. An Adult Participant who learns of information or reasonably suspects that an incident(s) of emotional or physical misconduct (including bullying, stalking, hazing, and harassment) prohibited under the Code has occurred must report it to the organization (USOPC, NGB, or LAO) with which the Participant is affiliated.
2. An Adult Participant who learns of information or reasonably suspects a violation of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies or other proactive policies must report it to the organization (USOPC, NGB, or LAO) with which the Participant is affiliated.