New Smyrna Beach Shootout 2021 by Norm McNutt
So we had a hot one yesterday..
We had a total of 24 players..
So 12 teams which means 2 pools of 6..
Everyone got to play 5 games to 15 with 2 teams from each pool coming out to play semifinals and finals..
We started play at 9am and finished up around 5:30pm..
Semifinal 1 was Andres Ramirez / Scott Graves vs Jim Fanning / David Levy
Semifinal 2 was Joe Young /Yelandi Rivero vs Scott Reid / Norberto Denico
Final was Joe / Yelandi winning over Andres / Scott in a tiebreaker.
Thanks to all that came out and participated..
We want to thank Curtis Winter, David Branco, Jim Fanning, and David Levy for food, drinks, shirts, set up, and after party..
Special thanks to Joe Hall of Splathead Sportsgear for printing up our great tournament shirts..
Thanks to Norm McNutt for the write up and Rob Mijares for running the event.
Howard Walker, Frank Lopez and 11 others