USA Racquetball Board of Directors At-Large Election


by USA Racquetball

Candidates are being sought to fill two upcoming at-large vacancies on the USA Racquetball Board of Directors.

The USAR Board of Directors should ideally reflect the diversity of our members, including experience (both life and business), geography, gender, age, and ethnicity. Potential candidates should possess a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills (both verbal and written), passion for the sport, and the time to be very involved, well beyond the two annual face-to-face meetings and regular conference calls (e.g., committee work).  

Specific experience is valued in areas including, but not limited to, professional management/leadership experience, marketing, fundraising, public relations, communications, finance, and/or technology. Potential Board members should be willing to be directly involved in fundraising activities. Board members must be citizens of the United States; at least 18 years of age; and current members of USA Racquetball. 

Are you up to the challenge to help guide the future of Racquetball in the United States as a member of the USAR Board of Directors? 

The At-Large Election Process is administrated by the USAR Election Committee that includes Board members, non-Board members, and athlete representatives.

  1. Interested individuals, please submit your statement of interest (200 words or less) and a digital photo (“head shot”) to Election Chair Terry Rogers at
  2. The statement of interest should be themed “Why I want to serve on the USA Racquetball Board of Directors.”
  3. Additionally, below the statement of interest, please include up to five bullet points describing the skills and experience you possess that you feel would contribute to your service on the USAR Board of Directors.
  4. Deadline for submissions: Friday, November 9, 2022, to
  5. Phase I: After the 11/9/22 deadline, the Election Committee will review submitted materials from all interested parties to gauge overall fit with the current needs of the Board (see above).
  6. Phase II will include brief Zoom calls with potential candidates who have been selected per #5 above to move forward in consideration for the Board slate. These will be informal “get to know you” calls that will also give potential candidates the opportunity to ask questions of committee members.
  7. After #6 is complete, the Election Committee will prepare a slate of between two and six individuals and will present the slate to the Board of Directors at their late November meeting.
  8. Interested parties and potential candidates will receive communication via email at appropriate times to notify them of their status in the process.
  9. The election itself will take place in March 2023 with results announced in early April 2023. New Board members will officially take their seats at the conclusion of the USA Racquetball Board of Directors meeting that typically corresponds with USAR National Singles in late May each year.

For more information on USAR Board of Directors Election/Selection procedures and processes, visit

Board Member Expectations

Please review the information below taken from the USA Racquetball By-Laws pertaining to the role, duties, and term of service relative to serving as an At-Large member of the Board of Directors.

1. Terms of Service

USAR By-Laws 701.0 – Statues of Term  All board terms begin, and end, with the Annual Board meeting normally held in conjunction with the USAR National Singles Championships.

With the exception of athlete representatives, the total consecutive term of service for any Board member is a maximum of six years. Appointed member terms shall be three years; At Large Elected shall be two years. After six years of consecutive service, no members of the Board of Directors shall be elected or appointed again until at least two years after their departure. Athlete representatives’ term limits are a maximum of eight years (the equivalent of two quadrennia).

2. Serve as chair or member of two to three working committees with attendance at meetings as scheduled by committee chairs.

3. Attendance at face-to-face meetings (typically National Singles and US Open). 

USAR By-Laws 804.0.E -- If a Board member has two physical consecutive unexcused absences from biannual Board of Directors meetings, he/she automatically vacates his/her position on the Board. Electronic participation is allowed for one biannual meeting in each calendar year if the conference call attendance requirement has been met as described in this section.

4. Conference calls typically occur the last Monday of every month, 90-120 minutes. 

USAR By-Laws 804.0.E -- If a Board member who has served all 12 months in a calendar year does not attend at least 50% of the scheduled conference call meetings in the course of that year, he/she automatically vacates his/her position on the Board. (Exception: excused absences as determined by the Executive Committee) For Board members who have served part of the calendar year, if he/she does not attend at least 50% of the scheduled conference call meetings during his/her time of service, he/she automatically vacates his/her position on the Board.

For further details, visit: -- About/Bylaws, Articles VI through IX.

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