Rankings Information Abounds on the USA Racquetball Website


by Todd Boss

The article below also appears in the WOR/Outdoor Racquetball Update section of the May 2022 Serving Up the News, and it bears repeating here for its value as a major benefit provided to Racquetball family members who play one or both of the Outdoor and Indoor games. (Did you know that when you are a member of USA Racquetball, you are automatically a member of both?)


WOR Outdoor Rankings Added to USAR Website!

By Todd Boss


After a couple of years’ absence, and with the help of the R2 Sports development team, Outdoor Rankings are finally back online! In late March, just ahead of the 2022 Beach Bash, the WOR Outdoor Committee finished its months-long data entry and analysis work to arrive at a starting point for the Outdoor rankings. Then, the R2 Sports team plugged in the starting data to their rankings algorithm and kicked it off. 


The Outdoor rankings separately rank One-Wall outdoor results and Three-Wall outdoor results. Since there is such wide variation of three-wall courts, any three-wall court with sides of any length are grouped together and ranked as one (short wall, mid-wall, long-wall). Otherwise, there is no difference in the way the algorithm works for outdoor results from the way it works for indoor results; rankings are driven by on-the-court results, and adjust every time someone gets a win against a higher-ranked opponent. The system has rankings for Singles, Doubles ,and Mixed for both Men and Women, for both One-Wall and Three-Wall.


All WOR/outdoor sanctioned tournament results are available from the rankings search page; click “Match History” and then “WOR Outdoor” for full outdoor data. If your event is “greyed out” in the match pulldown window, it means the tournament director has not yet officially submitted those results to USA Racquetball. In this case, please contact the tournament director and request the releasing of the results.


The Outdoor Rankings are now available from the same USAR Rankings home page as the existing indoor rankings, at this link: https://www.r2sports.com/system/rankings/ITArankings.asp?sportOrganizationID=1


For any additional questions, please refer to the comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions link for all things USAR Rankings here: https://www.teamusa.org/usa-racquetball/rankings


These rankings have been a long time in the making, and we owe thanks to a host of people who have worked behind the scenes to generate the data and enable the rankings to automatically run from here forward. This includes a slew of WOR state directors who provided input to the preliminary rankings; the WOR Committee; and a ton of volunteers/interns in St. Louis who “caught up” past results to get us to a starting point. 


If you missed it, we talked at length about these rankings as well as the overall machinations of the USAR rankings system on the USAR “Real Racquetball” Facebook live show on May 2nd. Click here for a replay of that show: https://www.facebook.com/USARacquetball/videos/417977669668833

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