Board of Directors Update Feb 2021
by USA Racquetball
This Board update article contains information on:
- Website updated to include Board member profiles
- Highlights of the Board’s January 25th meeting
- Getting to Know...Us!
Announcement! We’re happy to report that Board member profiles are now posted on the USAR website under About/Leadership where there are currently photos of each Board member. Click on their photos to find out more about them. We’ve included the terms they are currently fulfilling and the type of Board seat they occupy. If you wish to reach a Board member via email, click on their name.
Board of Directors Meeting Highlights -- January 25, 2021
Executive Committee Update (President Dan Whitley)
The Executive Committee (officers and athlete representative) met on 1/8/21 and discussed topics including future event plans; more efficient Board records retention; and social media processes.
Executive Director Update (Mike Wedel)
Topics discussed: SafeSport update/education; future event plans; possible loans/grants pending; US OPEN 2021 and beyond.
Financials Update (Mike Wedel)
Treasurer Steve Czarnecki forwarded financial pre-reads prior to the meeting.
Memberships and sanctioning fees continue to be challenges due to the pandemic.
2021 Combined Event Progress Report (Dan Whitley)
Extensive work is being undertaken to work with a potential host city with multiple clubs involved, possibly mid-year, to include three national championships (Doubles, Singles, Juniors) with a staggered approach. These would optimally include team qualifying events. Timing of an announcement will be based on finalizing discussions with multiple entities.
Committee Updates
Fundraising Committee (Stewart Solomon)
The committee and the staff are working to define mutual and discrete responsibilities going forward, i.e., shorter- and longer-term initiatives and approaches; tracking; and appropriate and timely communication with donors.
Scholarship Committee (Dan Whitley)
The committee will announce the recipients on a Real Racquetball Show and on social media in March.
WOR Committee (Mike Wedel)
Michelle De La Rosa and Darold Key are continuing to work on WOR rankings.
WOR website presence on USAR website is close to completion. A base platform has been built, and the WOR Committee has provided feedback.
Membership Committee (Terry Rogers)
Current initiative: Happy ReNew Year 2021 -- Racq etball is missing U!
Objectives are to grow back membership numbers; express appreciation to our members through a giveaway drawing approach (40+ items); and provide visibility to donors. All current members as of 2/10/21 are eligible. Winners will be announced on the Real Racquetball Show on 2/15 with a RRS pitch on 2/1.
One of the committee’s next activities will be editing and revising wording for automatically generated messages when memberships are renewed or purchased.
U.S. Team Committee (Cheryl Kirk)
A recommendation was presented on behalf of U.S. Team Committee Chair Larry Haemmerle and the committee to extend Jim Durham’s agreement as U.S. Adult Team Head Coach. A motion was made and approved with an effective date of March 1, 2021, and expiring March 1, 2023.
Target for Committee Goals (Stewart Solomon)
Committee chairs will be contacted in February to submit 2020 accomplishments and 2021 goals.
New Business
National Rules Commissioner Search -- deadline for submissions: January 31.
Next Meeting: February 22, 2021
We hope you are finding this newsletter feature interesting, and we always welcome suggestions and/or questions for future articles. Please contact Stewart Solomon (VP) or Cheryl Kirk (Secretary).
If you have questions about the Staff’s activities, please contact Mike Wedel.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone!