APS Nike - Gear Up for Back to School


by USA Racquetball

Gear up for back to school with @athleteps!

Get the latest apparel, footwear, and accessories to start your year right - head to the

Athlete Performance Solutions website to shop today.


#nike #racquetball #nikeracquetball #bts #backtoschool




APS Nike Back to School advertisement with Black USAR backpack, Nike shoes, and White USAR Nike t-shirt.



In June 2021, USA Racquetball announced our exciting new four-year partnership with Athlete Performance Solutions (APS) as Official Apparel Provider and Adult National Team Partner.

Featuring USA Racquetball Nike-branded gear, APS manages and operates the Official USA Racquetball Store, and it’s live NOW at the USA Racquetball Store. APS Nike will house and maintain the Official Store going forward, and all orders are shipped through their team of professional sports apparel providers. There is a full line of men’s, women’s, and youth apparel to browse and purchase, and accessories are available as well. Store products will be frequently refreshed to introduce new styles while maintaining the most popular items.

Additionally, the USA Racquetball Adult National Team will be outfitted with Nike Racquetball uniforms for international competitions each year.


How great to arrive back at school sporting the

USA Racquetball logo and the Nike Swoosh!

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