Men's #2 Doubles

Year Champion
2020  Cancelled due to COVID-19
2019  Jordan Ellsworth / Nicholas Smith (Brigham Young University) 
2018  Aaron Booker / Lukas Le (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2017  Jeremy Dixon / Kyle Ulliman (Baldwin Wallace University)
2016  Aaron Booker / Erik Garcia (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2015  Rick Charbonneau / Ryan Charbonneau (Oregon State University) 
2014  Nick Montalbano / Tyler Stone (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2013  Rick Charbonneau / Ryan Charbonneau (Oregon State University) 
2012  Felipe Camacho / Jake Bredenbeck (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2011  Jose Ramos / Nick Montalbano (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2010  Jose Ramos / Felipe Camacho (Colorado State University - Pueblo) 
2009  David Horn / Jose Serrano (Delta College) 
2008 Darrel Miller / Jordan Powers (University of Alabama)
2007 Agustin Tristan / Darrel Miller (University of Alabama)
2006 Brian Booth / Christopher Crockett (University of Alabama)
2005 Gil De Los Rios / Charlie Pratt (Colorado State University - Pueblo)
2004 Brady Hernandez / Shane Karmelin (University of Alabama)
2003 Andreas Jimenez / John Rhodes (University of Southern Colorado)
2002 Dan Beaudry / Lee George (University of Southern Colorado)
2001 Lee George / Sammy Menache (University of Southern Colorado)
2000 Erwin Bernal / Sammy Menache (University of Southern Colorado)
1999 Erin Brannigan / Kris Odegard (University of Southern Colorado)
1998 Cristian Guerra / Samuel Menache (University of Southern Colorado)
1997 Jed Bhuta / Ross Greenberg (University of Florida)
1996 Luis Bustillos / Cristian Guerra (University of Southern Colorado)
1995 Jeff Bloom / Andrew Reiff (University of Florida)
1994 Simon Roy / Buz Sawyer (SW Missouri State University)
1993 Derek Robinson / Buz Sawyer (SW Missouri State University)
1992 John Ellis / Billy Perrone (SW Missouri State University)
1991 Bruce Erickson / Derek Robinson (SW Missouri State University)
1990 Rick Bezousek / Lance Nelson (Memphis State University)
1989 Todd O'Neil / Dave Simonette (Memphis State University)
1988 James Lorello / Dave Simonette (Memphis State University)
1986 Jim Jeffers / Scott Reid (Memphis State University)
 1985 Scott Reid/ Michael Zwierzchowski (Memphis State University)